I see far too many businesses, new and old, trying to sell their products and services online, and doing it all wrong. If you think it’s the great features of your product that will persuade people to buy, you have it backwards.

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People buy from you, only when they can envision the benefits your product can bring them. That means buying is actually an emotional decision in nearly all cases. If you don’t believe that, think back on any recent online purchases you have made.

What really made you click the buy button on those last few products? Was it because the merchant explained how the product worked? Or did that merchant show you exactly what could be in it for you. Perhaps how it could somehow make your life better or easier?

This same “selling logic” applies offline as well.

Why do some people buy a BMW or a Jaguar? If you think it is for comfort, you should watch their ads again. The main selling point is the prestige of owning a luxury car. Luxury car ads emphasize these points in their sales presentation to arouse emotional desire in potential customers.

Now that we know people buy primarily on emotion, we can pinpoint 12 specific reasons why people buy…

1. to make more money
2. to save money
3. to solve a problem
4. to be like others & have what others have
5. to have better than others
6. to reduce work or effort and save time
7. to be more comfortable
8. to get rid of pain
9. to learn & satisfy curiosity
10. to have fun
11. to feel good about themselves
12. to get a bargain

Additionally, you can add a “so that….” to the end of each one of those 12 reasons. For instance, we don’t buy a time-saving device just to save time, we buy it so that we can have that time to do something more desirable or more beneficial to us in some way.

We don’t buy a money-making plan just to get more money. People don’t want more money just to have the money, they want more money so that they can have more security in their lives. They also want more money so they can buy something else they would love to have.

Now let’s apply these principles to your product or service. Do you truly understand what the “so that…” for your product is? There might be different “so that’s” for different groups of people and if that’s the case, great, because you have more than one market and the opportunity to make more sales.

Once you realize that there is emotion attached to buying, you will understand that how people feel when they are considering a purchase makes a big difference to the likelihood of you making a sale. If you can tap into these feelings when you advertise your product or service, your chances of making sales will skyrocket.

I’ve found a company and products that I believe satisfies the many of the 12 points.  It is an appeal to those who want a premium lifestyle. Premium lifestyle in your health, your fitness, in anti-aging, mental sharpness, pain management, and financial freedom and security.

To find out more, either fill out the information form below or click on the link below.

Click here NOW:  http://livingfitandpainfree.com

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